A Mini-Travel Guide To Athens

Travel Tips

I am sure a lot of my readers can relate with me when I say I am a huge Greek Gods buff. I have watched Percy Jackson at least ten times. My fascination with Greek Gods started when I was no older than 8 years, every day, I would come back from school and would sit cross-legged in front of the television watching my favorite cartoon, “Hercules”. I loved the fact that although Greek Gods were super-strong and mighty, they all had flaws just like us humans. Take for instance, the king of Gods, Zeus, had jealous traits. When I visited Athens last month, I felt closer to this place then my native country. Hop on the ride and take a vicarious tour of Athens with me.

Travel Guide To Athens

Athens, is named after Athena, the goddess of wisdom and is not only the capital but is also the largest city of Greece. The city is believed to have earliest human presence dating somewhere from 11th and 7th millennium BC. Your arrival airport will be Athens International Airport (AIA) – The airport is located 35 km outside of Athens in Spata.

When I visited Athens for the first time, it felt like I have entered into the world of Greek Mythology come to life. I knew that Athens has some great insightful half day and full day tours for all its curious travelers like myself. I happen to be someone who feels uncomfortable with crowds so I looked for the option to book private tours. Are you as curious about Oracle of Delphi and her prophecies as I was? Well, I can tell you a lot about who she was but the tour guides will probably do a much better job at it.

Did you know that ancient Greeks believed that Gods communicated with humans through priestesses in Delphi? There are temples dedicated to their Gods such as Athena, Apollo and Zeus all over the city. Theatre of Dionysus and Pantheon were my favorite for sure.

Apart from the majestic historic sites Athens hosts really wonderful concerts and shows annually. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there were no concerts being performed but I have kept my fingers crossed. I hope and pray by the time you are reading this blog; this pandemic thing is way behind all of us and we have gotten our life back.

When I mention Athens, how can I not mention the world- famous Ice Creams made with fresh milk, Banoffee with fresh banana, toffee caramel, real fruit sorbets and freshly baked Greek tsoureki. You better believed I ordered two servings of each and finished all of it in one sitting.

While in Athens, although I was on a budget, I couldn’t help but immerse myself in the exotic world of rugs, tapestries, handcrafted jewelry, oil on canvas, precious gems in Athens. For returning back to my home town, I was looking for the flight and searched a lot. I found the site United Airlines Reservations and booked my tickets in affordable rates.

I hope you find this compacted version of Athens tour helpful. Safe travels!